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Advanced study that avoids unnecessary biopsies.



Advanced study that avoids unnecessary biopsies.


A new genetic analysis to aid in the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

What is PCA3 Test?

  • The PROGENSA ™ PCA3 analysis is a new genetic analysis to aid in the diagnosis of prostate cancer.
  • PCA3 is specific for prostate cancer and, unlike PSA, is not affected by the enlarged prostate or other diseases noncancerous prostate.
  • The value of PCA3, plus the TR and PSA, provides useful information to help decide whether to do a biopsy or if it can be delayed.
  • If you have had a positive biopsy, the PCA3 Score can provide additional information about the aggressiveness of the cancer. This can help you decide what treatment is appropriate.

When can be helping the analysis PCA3?

  • When there is a high PSA or other suspicious clinical outcome decision whether or not a biopsy
  • When there is a negative biopsy without cancer diagnosis but it is still suspected that there may be a prostate cancer
  • When there are genetic background family history of prostate cancer
  • When there is a positive biopsy to learn more about the aggressiveness of the cancer
  • When early prostate cancer patient has and nonaggressive it may be useful for monitoring surveillance / monitoring

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How to the analysis realized?

1. The PCA3 Score is determined using a simple urine sample.

2. The urine sample is collected after a physician’s TR.

3. The sample is analyzed by a laboratory and in three weeks the result is delivered

For the treatment

  • The PCA3 Score may give an indication of the aggressiveness of the cancer.
  • By higher the PCA3 Score, the higher the probability that the cancer is aggressive and that any need active treatment such as surgery or radiotherapy.
  • If you have early prostate and low aggressive cancer and is undergoing surveillance monitor / active control, PCA3 test can be repeated every 3 – 6 months. A substantial increase in the PCA3 Score may indicate that the cancer progresses.

For prostate biopsy

  1. The PCA3 Score indicates the probability of finding prostate cancer in a biopsy:
  2. By higher the PCA3 Score, the more likely the biopsy is positive.
  3. Cuanto más bajo sea el valor de PCA3, más probable será que la biopsia sea negativa.
  4. By lower the PCA3 Score, the more likely the biopsy is negative.
  5. Keep in mind that the decision to perform a biopsy also depends on other factors such as your age, family history of prostate cancer, the results of TR, the size of the prostate and PSA value. If you and your doctor decide not to perform a biopsy, you may repeat the PCA3 test after 3-6 months. If there is no prostate cancer, the PCA3 Score will remain unchanged or vary only slightly with time. If the value of PCA3 increases enough, it may be desirable to perform a biopsy.

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