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Counsyl Reliant™ Cancer Screen

You may know what your risk of developing certain cancers.

FIND NOW THE Counsyl Reliant™ Cancer Screen TEST


You may know what your risk of developing certain cancers.

Counsyl Reliant™ Cancer Screen

If you have a personal or family history of cancer, find out what is the probability of developing colon, breast, ovarian, or other cancers.

We can see if our genes are effective against cancer

Counsyl ReliantTM Cancer Screen test is aimed at anyone who would worry about the risk of cancer, especially those with a family history known. We use a small blood sample to detect irregularities in more than 20 genes associated with an increased risk of breast, ovarian, colon or other cancer.

How works the test for hereditary cancers (Counsyl ReliantTM Cancer Screen)

We all have genes that fight cancer.
The genes we inherit from our parents are transmitted along with family characteristics, such as hair color and eyes.
But many other inherited genes. Some of them protect us from certain types of cancer.

In some people, the genes are less effective

Occasionally, we inherit an irregular version, a mutation, one of these genes. This means that there may be more predisposition to develop some type of cancer at some point in our lives.

A simple way to determine the risk of developing cancer

Counsyl Reliant TM Cancer Screen can help your doctor or other health care providers to determine if you have an increased
risk of develop a hereditary cancer. Only a small blood sample is required.

A complete test

Counsyl Reliant TM Cancer Screen can analyze up to 22 different genes that are associated with an increased risk of developing certain cancers.

It can help you be prepared

We seek only genes associated with certain conditions where early detection makes a big difference in your health and well being.

It can help you be prepared

We seek only genes associated with certain conditions where early detection makes a big difference in your health and well being.

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Counsyl Reliant TM Cancer Screen

It’s time to start living with knowledge. Ask your doctor about this test.

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Full panel

It includes the 22 genes in the Inherited Cancer Screen test.

BRCA panel

Analysis of complete sequences of BRCA1 and BRCA2, including deletions and duplications.

Panel BRCA + Lynch syndrome

It includes BRCA1, BRCA2 and Full Panel genes associated with Lynch syndrome.

Panel Lynch syndrome

It Includes Full Panel genes associated with Lynch syndrome.

Breast panel

It Includes Full Panel genes associated with breast cancer.

Gynecologic panel

It Includes Full Panel genes associated with ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer and other gynecological cancers.

Gastrointestinal panel

It Includes Full Panel genes associated with gastric, colorectal and other gastrointestinal cancers.

Neuroendocrine panel

Full Panel includes genes associated with cancers of the endocrine system.

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